Day 3 Yoga Boot Camp

8 Feb

Hi everyone,

So we are on Day 3 of Yoga Boot Camp. By now, you should have purchased your notebook for journaling, and hopefully have begin to evaluate your diet. If you need a refresher, revisit the first post for Yoga Boot Camp:

Yesterday for Day 2, you completed 60 minutes of cardio. I think it is fun to break up the cardio into 20 minute sections, 20 minutes on the treadmill, bikes, stair stepper, elliptical machines , etc. This cardio work is going to be important throughout these next four weeks to keep our metabolism burning hot and allow you to to achieve the fat loss you desire. So to recap, Monday and Friday nights at 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, we will be hitting the weights in class, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays you  will do 60 minutes of cardio work. Wednesday nights at 5:30 PM  to 6:30 PM attend my yoga class, and also Saturday mornings at 9 AM to 10 AM. Give yourself Sunday to rest and relax from working out, and spend some time outside in the sunshine if possible. I think Sunday would be a great day for you to journal about your experiences for the week, and also plan out your recipes for following week. Let me know if you have any questions about the diet plan I laid out for you.

A quick summary of Yoga Diet:

Breakfast: Smoothie, Fresh Juice, or a small serving of HEALTHY grain, protein and fat, like a bowl of oatmeal, an egg, and some fruit.

Lunch and Dinner: Make these meals light! Healthy salads of mostly vegetables and a lean source of protein like a chicken breast, a piece of fish, etc. Add in a healthy fat like 1/2 avocado, olive oil (for salad dressing), or some nuts/seeds.

Snacks: Make snacks small and light. Try eating a bowl of berries in between meals, a handful of nuts (avoid peanuts), or a piece of toast with almond butter.

Ladies, stay between 1500 to 2000 calories. Men, 2000-2500. Of course, if you are running ten miles a day, and lifting weights in your own time, you will need to eat more healthy calories, but I trust you already have that part covered if that is the case.

I would like you all to journal tonight or tomorrow about the following:

  • What are your expectations from this Boot Camp?
  • What are your fitness goals?
  • How will you feel/look when you accomplish your goals?
  • What are your major challenges to achieving these goals?
  • What are your strong points when it comes to fitness and working out?

I really believe that journaling often throughout this process will give you a clearer understanding of what you want and your goals. By defining your true desires and also your perceived challenges, together we can start to outline the path to your success. If you would like to share these journal topics with me and your teammates, stay for the optional fifteen minute discussion after Friday night Boot Camp. In this safe environment, you can feel free to talk about things that are on your mind without worry of judgment or negativity. I like to keep things positive in my class and around me!

Keep up the good work! See you tonight!


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