Tag Archives: resolutions

What is your WORD for the New Year 2014?

31 Dec


This year I am trying something different, in addition to my numerous lists of resolutions (which I do every year). I am choosing one word to embody my goal for the New Year. And this is something you can do too! Choose one word that will represent everything you desire for 2014.

We all make lists (don’t lie, you know you do), about how we want to change, what we want to be better, how we are going to start a crazy diet and lose a ton of weight, etc etc every time we get around Dec. 31st. Things will be different this time! A whole new me! Well, I love making lists, and writing goals, it’s something I do year-round and I believe it keeps me focused (I don’t know what I’d do if I lost my planner). But this year, I want to choose one word that I can continue to focus on, again and again, to keep my eyes on the prize. I’m setting the tone for the next 365 days, and when my concentration starts to waver, or I think about throwing in the towel on my resolutions, or I think, man this is too hard, I will think back to my word.

For 2014, I choose the word “embrace” for its depth in meaning. I will embrace the changes that come in its many forms,  (and whether I like it or not), and I will also embrace what is, the things I cannot change, and the things I have no control over. I really like the idea of being more open and go with the flow, like a sailboat in the ocean. When I want more inspiration, I know I just need to embrace the change, go for it! and when some things just won’t budge (like those last 5 pounds), I can learn to embrace that too, and learn to love every part of it, and learn to enjoy the process. When you are not so stubborn, like a stick in the sand, and choose to be open and welcoming to change, it creates more space within and allows these changes that we so deeply want to occur more freely.

Your word can be anything you like, so let it be:

  • Specific
  • Resonate truly within yourself
  • Encompass the tone you want to set for 2014
  • Kind and compassionate

What is your word?

Interesting note about the artwork I chose: I thought long and hard about what I wanted my word to be, and I chose embrace. I google image searched for embrace the word, and found the picture above. After I visited the site, I learned that the girl who created this artwork also chose the word embrace for her 2013! If you want to learn more about her journey, visit her blog http://jessicasporn.blogspot.com/2013/01/looking-to-2013.html

